>>>Amåñdá's §ite<<<


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If you aren't my friend, then you shouldn't be here, so go AWAY!!!  haha  j/k  Some of this shit may not make sense but it's all good!! 

Becka: POO POO!  "Do I look like I am fat to you?!?!?"  ¤Tyler O'Riley¤  Drive by shootings.  ~BBMB~  "OMG!!  There's underwear outside!!"  "WHY?!?!?"  Oreo car... learn to throw!!  Gotta luv them little brothers!!  The dreaded word!! :P  Sweet revenge!!  ;)  Haha!!  Humpty's!  And maybe one day, I'll stop pushing you away!!  haha  OMG!!  Tupperware!!  Lets stay up again until 6am!!  That was great fun!!  Grow A Boyfriend.  Hubba Hubba Sisterhood!!  WOW!  Thanks for always being there!!  Never forget that I'm there for you anytime that you need me!!  *Cry Fest 2003*  haha!!  Your my best friend and your awesome major!!  Luv ya!!
Emily: WASSUP?  "OMG!!  HE ATE YOU OUT?!?!?"  Todd and his big dick!!  I still can't believe you let me do that!!  :'(  Whip cream fights!!  "I got a pickle!!  I got a pickle!!  I got a pickle hey hey hey HEY... that's MY pickle!!"  All the nights we cried together at Tyson's house!!  Haha!!  "Great fun!!"  Two dollar hookers!!  I have to agree with you when you say that was the best night ever!!  Panties!!!  Gotta luv em!!  Gettin fuckin' baked in the jeep!!  BOO YA!!!  Pop tarts!!  And I'm pretty sure that I speak for everybody, well everybody excluding Josh, that we didn't need to see that!!!  You know what I'm talking about, so don't play dumb!!  haha!!  Do u care for a Martini??  Man, we've been through a ton of shit together!!  And even though we fight all the time, your still purdy coo!!  I miss you and you have to promise to visit soon!!
Robert: I love you baby!!!  You meant a lot to me, and I hope you are now in a better place!!  I miss you sooooo much and I will NEVER forget you!!  BFF!!  05-28-03  Same to you Landon!!  aka: Superman *wink*  09-17-02
Savanna: HuBbA hUbBa!!  Kyle Martin!  "HELLLLLLLO?!?!?!?!"  "My peepee is bigger then your peepee!"  Getting locked in graveyards!  That's always been a favorite pastime of mine!!  ~BMBB~  Do you have any mustard?!?  haha  "Are those the WHORES?"  Chocolate cake!!  Let's go for a drive.  Don't worry cuz I know where I'm going!!  Hubba Hubba Sisterhood!!  Oh man, where would I be without you??  haha
Steff: Hey "bun"  Bra parties kick some serious ASS!!!!  Looney Tunes Monopoly!!  The Amanda for sale song!!  ¤FREKLES¤  Smoking in my garage!!  ;)  Echo Dale!!  Kin Coulee and the leech!!  Pillow fights in matching thongs!!  Boob talk on my roof!!  Flashing Mark's mother!!  That was a gooder!!  "I farted... HAHA!"  Camping.  Road trips!!  OHMYGOSH!!  How about them hottiez and all the notes back and forth?!?!  heehee
Danielle: Go eat some coffee!!  Teddy Grahams up the nose!!  OMG!!  It's a... MOTH!!  "DID YOU FART?!?!?"  Birthdays!!  Balloon boobs!!  7-11!!!  *Dustin* *Tim* *Jesse*  haha!!  Your sister is a little bitch!!!  It's been five years damn it, and you still won't go in my fucking fridge!!  What am I gonna do with you woman?!?!  "I'm allergic to nuts.. well salted ones anyway!!"  haha  And your still clueless!!!
Matt:  We have been through soooooooo much together, I don't even know where to start.  Thanks for everything!!  And thanks for ALWAYS being there to cheer me up when I was down.  I am here for you too, if you ever need me!!  You were one of my best friends and no matter what happens you always will be.  I just wish that you could become independant, and get some fucking balls!!  I miss you!!


Here are some friend's links!!  Check em out!!